Assistance to foreign companies

If you are looking for an opportunity or you have an idea and you think that Italy is the right place to develop it, do not wait any further. You need a professional team with the right experience and attitude in order to let you in: here we are!

We speak english fluently and we like to speak just that, translating italian law to you so that you can understand easily the process, the pros and the cons of setting up a business in our country. Don't worry, our expertise will be right what you need.

We live and work in Bologna, capital of Emilia Romagna, the region where you can find the Motor Valley (do Ferrari, Lamborghini, Ducati, Maserati and Pagani mean anything to you?) but also Parmiggiano Reggiano, Grana Padano, Yoox, GD, biomedical excellences and so on: the perfect background for a startup, with many public incentives and an easier approach to the process.

Do not hesitate: contact our firm by email or phone and let us know how we can be useful. It doesn't matter if it is just and advice or a full assistance, we are willing to help you as you need.

What we can do

Here are some examples of what we can assist you with

Establishing a business company and protecting IP

What data you need, how you set up the company, who you need, costs and duration of the process, choice of the right kind of legal entity. Registering a trademark or applying for an extension of protection.


How a litigation process works, duration and costs, alternative dispute resolutions

Contracts and labour law

How to choose if it is better your contract or one written applying the italian law; hiring an employee or a consultant; handling the labour contracts.



Studio legalei

 Avv. Alberto Borghi

Avv. Lorenzo Borghi

Via Alfonso Rubbiani 10
40124 Bologna


Orari di apertura

lun-ven 9 - 13; 14.45 - 18.45

Si riceve su appuntamento



051 585407


051 330732




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© Studio legale Borghi. Fondato nel 1960. Via Alfonso Rubbiani 10 40124 Bologna